Frenchie Bulldog Pet Supply

Surf on Your Turf - The Sharky Collection
Celebrate the waning days of Summer with Frenchie Bulldog’s Sharky Collection. Your pooch will look as clean as the bite mark on a surfboard with these fresh prints featuring sharks, stars, and soon-to-be-bitten-boards.
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Frenchie Gives Back: Road Dogs
Each month, Frenchie Bulldog partners up with different animal charities from around the country who are doing exemplary work in rescue, rehabilitation, sheltering and fostering. This month, we are partnering with Road Dogs & Rescue (, a Burbank, California-based charity focusing on Pit Bulls and American Bulldog breeds. 
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Your First Dog
Having a dog for a pet is so common that it could be considered a rite of passage. Most Americans own one or more pets throughout their lives and dogs are among the most common. To anyone about to go through the exciting experience of canine cohabitation for the first time, here are some things you might consider...
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Hot Dogs
It’s official!—Summertime is here! A time when Alaskans rejoice, and when Arizonans hide in their air-conditioned homes. But what of dogs?—what do they like to do in the summer? The reality for most dogs is that their existence is pretty closely tied to the realities of their owner’s lifestyle.
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Frenchie Bulldog Duo Reversible Harness
Face it: As a dog owner, you will inevitably go through many pet accessories as they break down over time due to soiling and wear & tear. Your pup is growing after all, and exploring the environment all around them, and so they’re going to need accessories—leashes, harnesses, collars, etc.—that will go the distance with them as they venture out into the world.
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