Frenchie Bulldog Pet Supply

New Pet Parent? Here Are 5 Habits To Avoid
The joys of being a pet parent include a lot of responsibility - and raising a pup right is one of the most satisfying things a family can do together. However, if you're just getting started in the world of pet parenthood, there are a few common pitfalls you can avoid by doing your research. 
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How to Get Your Dog to "Go" in the Snow

When it comes to being a pet owner, one of the most frustrating parts of the winter season is standing outside in the wee hours of the morning, shuffling your feet to keep warm, and waiting for what feels like HOURS while your pup snuffles around in the snow. Finally, we give up and bring the dog back into the warm apartment -- only for her to immediately go to the bathroom on the carpet!!

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The stress-free guide to taking your dog's measurements
How do you know which size is right for your dog? One of the best things about pups is that they come in all shapes and sizes -- in addition to the unique parts of every dog's personality, their builds, coloring, tails, and ears offer some of our favorite features of our furry friends. 
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