Frenchie Bulldog Pet Supply

HELLO FROM NEW YORK CITY! We had such an amazing time on our trip to NYC (vlog coming soon) and want to share with you this super chic dog-friendly hotel where we stayed for part of our trip. Located in...
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1. Documents for your pup. Make sure to check with your specific airline for the exact documents you need but most common is a Veterinary Health Document or Official Immunization record. This document needs to be signed/dated by your vet within...
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If you ever get to San Francisco and meet @vincenzopepito , you are one lucky pup! This one and his momma know their city! Follow our adventures with Enzo (@vincenzopeptio) and Leo (@frenchieleo). The Golden Gate Park - Modeled after New...
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We had such a blast in San Fransisco with our long time friendchies Lily and Porter! Heres some snaps from our adventures with them: Porter (left), Lily (center), Leo (right) MOUNT DAVIDSON - the highest natural point in San Francisco...
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